Professor Tony Seba, of late

I love it.

Professor Tony Seba, Stanford, 1 week ago.

It means anyone who continues to invest in or support the fossil fuels hegemony will be fundamentally disappointed by the markets. And it serves them right. By efficiency, or momentum, there is no beating energy that has a marginal cost of zero.

As someone once said, in a movie, oppose solar energy, “Go ahead. Make my day.”

Gasoline-powered autos won’t be sidelined because gasoline costs too much, it’ll be because gasoline costs too little. No one will want it, so service stations won’t be able to cover their overheads, and they’ll close: It won’t be available, because no one will care about it any more.

And, as for the homes and businesses who continue to buy into the “presently wise choice” of natural gas? Hah! What happens when they can no longer get it, their pipeline companies shutting down flows?

It’s a beautiful thing.

Oh, sure, they’ll try to socialize their losses. Hopefully the electorate isn’t foolish enough to accept that.

But, then, they are the electorate and are highly gullible.

About ecoquant

See Retired data scientist and statistician. Now working projects in quantitative ecology and, specifically, phenology of Bryophyta and technical methods for their study.
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