Kevin Anderson – The emissions case for a radical plan

Dr Kevin Anderson is among my favorite climate science, climate policy sources, because he understands both the demand Nature is placing upon us for adaptation, and is ruthlessly true to pursuing policy options that will work rather than ones which may work or are politically palatable.  Most notably, Dr Anderson and frequent co-author Dr Alice Bows, have emphasized reducing demand for energy as the most powerful idea we have for meeting emissions targets on anything like a profile we need to meet to avoid dangerous climate change.

Many of the efficiency targets they and others propose have added benefits of saving the practitioners money in the interim.  With the Web, there is less and less reason for people to fly long distances for meetings. For meetings at shorter ranges, train travel is both feasible and has side benefits.

Listen to hear more about these options.

(The original video has apparently been bumped or withdrawn from Vimeo. The above YouTube video having an interview with Professor Anderson covers some of the same material.)


About ecoquant

See Retired data scientist and statistician. Now working projects in quantitative ecology and, specifically, phenology of Bryophyta and technical methods for their study.
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