Sleeping Giant Awakening

Damn straight.

Update, 2016-12-18

More links to and comments on the same event:

Update, 2016-12-24

An interesting discussion of what a Trump administration could and could not do to repositories of climate data. The possibility of this kind of thing, and retaining control of data provenance and the sequence of transactions done to data is a reason why different flavors of trusted timestamping might be a good idea for all these sources, including blockchain techniques. It’s not clear if the courts and legal systems are up to trusting them yet. They do trust private-public key cryptography, due to changes in law. But Science might trust them.

And I think the various kinds of manipulations that geophysical and oceanographic data are subjected would pose a challenge to archivists and blockchain technologists, particularly when large sets are combined using a specific algorithm embodied in code to produce a result. It seems to me the chain of the code needs to be joined in the chain, too.

About ecoquant

See Retired data scientist and statistician. Now working projects in quantitative ecology and, specifically, phenology of Bryophyta and technical methods for their study.
This entry was posted in adaptation, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Meteorological Association, American Solar Energy Society, American Statistical Association, AMETSOC, Anthropocene, California, Carbon Worshipers, citizen data, citizen science, climate, climate change, climate data, climate disruption, data science, Donald Trump, ecology, Ecology Action, geophysics, global warming, Hyper Anthropocene, ignorance, Jerry Brown, science, sustainability, the right to be and act stupid, the right to know, the stack of lies, the tragedy of our present civilization. Bookmark the permalink.

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