Why Massachusetts needs the Transportation and Climate Initiative

The Massachusetts Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) or something very much like it, perhaps stronger, is needed because of one simple reason.

The false color heatmap below shows the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions from roadways in Southern New England in 2017, based upon data from the NASA ORNL DAAC.

Period. Cannot get to the targets of the Massachusetts Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) by decarbonizing electricity production alone, and, with NIMBYism on putting up things like solar farms and land-based wind turbines, even that’s a stretch. Moreover, next will be decarbonizing heating and cooling. Fugitive emissions from natural gas pipelines still have not been addressed.

Vehicle emissions are part of the fossil fuel infrastructure.

About ecoquant

See https://wordpress.com/view/667-per-cm.net/ Retired data scientist and statistician. Now working projects in quantitative ecology and, specifically, phenology of Bryophyta and technical methods for their study.
This entry was posted in an uncaring American public, being carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide, Carbon Tax, Carbon Worshipers, climate change, climate disruption, ecological disruption, electricity markets, emissions, fossil fuel divestment, fossil fuel infrastructure, fossil fuels, gas pipeline leaks, Global Carbon Project, global warming, Governor Charlie Baker, keep fossil fuels in ground, leaving fossil fuels in the ground, Massachusetts, mitigating climate disruption, pollution, public health, public transport, public utility commissions, public welfare, the tragedy of our present civilization, unreason, vehicle emissions, zero carbon. Bookmark the permalink.

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