What gives me hope … And it ain’t the small stuff

AS Arman Oganisian of Stable Markets writes “There are no solutions, only trade-offs.” That is a fundamentally engineering attitude.

It is fundamentally about the economics, and, in particular, the dramatic drop in levelized cost of energy for wind and renewables, as well as take-up rates.

But, what’s significant, is that players in the marketplace who ignore, shun, and oppose arguments in court and in the public forum of ideas in favor of regulating Carbon emissions, or assigning producer responsibility to fossil fuel companies for the downstream harm their products do, will rapidly do econotaxis towards these kinds of motivations.

That, as the above video notes, the values of these companies have dropped precipitously in the recent term is highly gratifying.

And, oh, by the way, it serves them right.

But, also, a warning to the environmental community, whether in the United States or elsewhere, if you are really, honestly concerned with this problem, you would do well to set aside your personal and collective egos and work with these organizations, some of which have been your long time enemies, to achieve these goals. These trade-offs are necessary to get there.

And what is more important, getting there? Or achieving your side conditions and side goals, however significant they might be in isolation? If climate change approaches an existential threat, then it should be treated like an existential threat? A safe continuance in an isolated ecosystem of a particular species does not rise to the level of worthiness of measures designed to stop a much bigger calamity.

Grow up.

Oh, and what will happen to fossil fuels?

About ecoquant

See https://wordpress.com/view/667-per-cm.net/ Retired data scientist and statistician. Now working projects in quantitative ecology and, specifically, phenology of Bryophyta and technical methods for their study.
This entry was posted in Anthropocene, being carbon dioxide, biology, bridge to somewhere, Carbon Cycle, carbon dioxide, Carbon Worshipers, clean disruption, climate business, climate change, climate disruption, climate economics, climate justice, corporate litigation on damage from fossil fuel emissions, Cult of Carbon, decentralized electric power generation, decentralized energy, destructive economic development, disruption, distributed generation, ecological services, ecology, Ecology Action, economic trade, economics, engineering, environment, fossil fuel divestment, fossil fuels, global warming, Green Tech Media, greenhouse gases, grid defection, Humans have a lot to answer for, Hyper Anthropocene, investing, investment in wind and solar energy, investments, leaving fossil fuels in the ground, local generation, local self reliance, Sankey diagram, smart data, solar democracy, solar domination, solar energy, solar power, Sonnen community, the energy of the people, the green century, the tragedy of our present civilization, the value of financial assets, tragedy of the horizon, wind energy, wind power, wishful environmentalism, zero carbon. Bookmark the permalink.

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